On the detailed fragment, get the image url from the bundle arguments and display the image using Glide or Picasa.As per android docs, left / right sliding shouldn’t be used with Bottom Navigation.After some magic tricks i have found the problem. I am new to android Please Help MeMyApplication class has to be added to AndroidManifest.xml <application> tag.search about viewpager.setOffscreenPageLimit();Do you have a tutorial on how to cache the fragments, so I don’t have to load data every time I click the fragment?How can I make the movie Items open another fragment or activity?Now let’s try it by creating a new project in Android Studio.I have followed your tutorial perfectly have adapted it for my needs. Returns the background drawable of the menu items.Set the background of our menu items to be a ripple with the given colors.Returns the size provided for the menu item icons in pixels.Set the size to provide for the menu item icons using a resource ID.Returns the background resource of the menu items.Returns the currently selected menu item ID, or zero if there is no menu.Set the background of our menu items to be a ripple with the given colors.Set the tint which is applied to our menu items' icons.Existing items in the menu will not be modified or removed.Inflate a menu resource into this navigation view.Returns whether the items horizontally translate on selection when the item widths fill up the screen.Set the tint which is applied to our menu items' icons.Returns the background drawable of the menu items.Returns the text appearance used for the active menu item label.Returns the size provided for the menu item icons in pixels.Sets the text appearance to be used for the menu item labels.Sets the text appearance to be used for the menu item labels.Sets the base elevation of this view, in pixels.Set a listener that will be notified when the currently selected bottom navigation item is reselected.Returns the currently selected menu item ID, or zero if there is no menu.Returns the text appearance used for inactive menu item labels.Set the size to provide for the menu item icons.Set a listener that will be notified when a bottom navigation item is selected.Listener for handling selection events on bottom navigation items. Set the selected menu item ID.

I just want the icons to be static.android:windowSoftInputMode=”adjustPan”can you help me please, how i can clik or long press to recyeleview ? It will be published after couple of articles.If you run the app, you can see the bottom navigation displayed as shown below.Ravi thanks for the nice tutorial, please can you provide a tutorial on how to sync sqlite to mysql and mysql to sqlite most of the tutorials out there are not well done.

App is Just crash when I stat it.

We can avoid manually parsing JSON by using GSon library. Thank you.

I have tried many options but none of them is working for me. If you want to notify your main activity about the click, use interface to define a method in fragment and implement the method in main activity.Do you have actionBar included in your layout or from the theme?Try modifying and fixing the bugs in the current article. They should be used when an application has three to five top-level destinations. The Bottom Navigation can be easily added using BottomNavigationView component. (This commend doesn’t appeared on my moderation panel, don’t know why)Hii @ravi8x:disqus sir.I’m just a beginner as a Android Developer .My question is why we use Basic Activity instead of Bottom Navigation Activity in starting?This is what i have on one of my fragment pages.

I wish you the same.For the people who’s asking about if you have an EDITTEXT in the fragment , the bottom nav displays above the keyboard you should ass this linethanks for this awesome tutorialThe button clicks should be implemented in Fragment itself. It creates a bottom navigation bar, making it easier to explore switch between with a single tap. I am displaying data in a recycler view like you did but the problem is insert data in that recyclerview in the same fragment so i’d like to reload the fragment when i insert the data is that possible ?You can do that way once you have an idea about BottomNavigation.

Let’s start with Bottom Navigation View What we do is, keep the variable name same as JSON node name. great workTry in other devices as well.

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bottom navigation view android